Ark Housing Opens Neighbourhood Office

As part of its Neighbourhood and Community Strategy, Ark Housing opened a Neighbourhood Office at Conor Rise, West Belfast. The official opening took place on Thursday 7 November 2013.

The office will provide advice and housing services to both tenants and local residents. This will enable residents to have easier access to housing services without the need to travel to the Association’s Head Office in North Belfast. This will be of significant benefit to local residents and, in particular, to many of the elderly tenants and families with young children, who would otherwise have to travel across the city for assistance.

Paul Maskey MP who officiated at the opening ceremony stated; “I would like to commend Ark Housing for providing this Neighbourhood Office. This is a very positive initiative and demonstrates Ark Housing’s commitment to providing better access to housing services within the local community.

I am delighted to have been invited to open this new office and look forward to working with Ark Housing’s local neighbourhood team.”   

Chief Executive of Ark Housing, Tony Ruddy stated:

“I am delighted with the opening of our Neighbourhood Office in West Belfast. This will offer our tenants and residents in the area accessible housing services right within their own community. As part of our Neighbourhood and Communities Strategy, our aim is to ensure that we are responsive as possible to the needs of our customers.

Being able to deliver housing services within the community is a significant move which will enhance the quality and standard of our customer services”


Last updated 10 years 7 months ago