Are You Outstanding

Are you required to complete a self assessment tax return for 2013/14

If you are required to file a self-assessment tax return for 2013/14 then 31 October 2014 is the deadline date for filing this in paper format, but don’t despair as you have until 31 January 2015 if you can file this online from your computer. However to file online you have to register for this service with HMRC and you need to allow at least 2 weeks for this to be processed. 

HMRC automatically apply penalties if you do not meet either of these deadline dates. 

Only those who are in receipt of taxable income above their personal allowance may be obliged to complete a self-assessment return, but if your income is limited to pensions or employment and the tax liability can be collected by deduction from this income under PAYE then you should not be required to self-assess. 

As HMRC have now closed all their Tax Enquiry offices you can no longer visit these for any face to face assistance, you are now limited to telephone help.  

Tax Help for Older People is a UK registered charity ( providing  free, independent, expert help and advice to older people (approaching 60+), with annual income of £20,000 or less, who cannot afford to pay for professional help. Advice and practical help is provided in any area of personal tax including self-assessment. Simple queries can be dealt with over the phone, other problems at interview with one of our tax qualified volunteers in your area or at your home if required. The initial call can be made by yourself, or if you wish a friend or an advisor. 

Make the call and relieve the stress.  

Contact the helpline on 08456013321 or 01308488066. 

You can email to [email protected]. 

Registered Charity No. 1102276

Last updated 9 years 8 months ago