Are you involved in Community based Sports?

New Short Course 'Sport in our Community'

New short course for 2015, delivered in partnership by Ulster Sports Outreach and the School of Sociology and Applied Social Sciences.

The ‘Sport in Our Community’ CPPD Module is a new module for 2015 and is being delivered in partnership by Ulster Sports Outreach and the School of Sociology and Applied Social Sciences.

1st-4th & 8th of June 2015


Ulster University (Jordanstown)

This 10 credit module short course aims to educate community leaders/representatives on how to use sport and physical activity as a tool to engage community groups.

Teaching Areas Covered

  • Community Audit and Asset Mapping
  • Sport as a tool for Community Development
  • Best Practice Programme Design
  • Monitoring & Evaluating a Programme
  • Teaching and Coaching Skills
  • Safe Practice
  • Engagement and Leadership Skills

To apply for the course and funding please email Lorraine Lavery-Bowen Adult Education Manager [email protected]

Fees for the module are £87.50,   we are delighted to announce we have full funding to cover fees for this module if you fit the following criteria


To be eligible to apply applicants must meet at least one of the following criteria:  

  • be unemployed or in receipt of state income support*
  • have a gross salary income of less than £19,200*
  • be 16 to 24 year old and not in education, employment or training (NEET)*
  • be in receipt of disability living allowance/personal independence payments.*

 *The successful applicant will be asked to provide evidence of eligibility.


Closing date for confirming attendance: Thursday 28th of May

Further information on the content please contact

Ciaran Chambers

Community Engagement Programme Development Assistant

Email: [email protected]

Telephone No:  028 90 36 81 96





Last updated 9 years 1 month ago