apsleyeducation.com, Young Enterprise and Ulster University "do buisness!" together

Apsleyeducation.com in association with young enterprise 'Business start-up' program supports University Students as they tackle the world of business development........

Under the guidance of Dr Robert Kerr head of business studies at the UUJ students undertaking their master’s degree in business have joined forces with young enterprise and young enterprise business mentors to help develop small business ideas thought up by students as part of their course work. You can see the fruits of their labours at Forest side Shopping complex on the 5th December when they will officially trade for a day. Please come along and support their experiences and enjoy some of their goods!

"This module aims to enhance students’ understanding of the role of the entrepreneur in the new venture creation process and develop their capabilities to recognise, assess, plan, and run new venture opportunities. During the module students will be presented with the opportunity to actively trade with their business start-up. It will enable students to develop a greater awareness of their personal goals, motivations, strengths and limitations in the context of new venture creation and growth." Dr R Kerr University of Jordanstown (Head of Buisness studies)

Last updated 11 years 4 months ago