MLA Jonathan Buckley and NIACRO's Katherine McCloskey, who both took part in the programme last year

Apply now for Future Leaders Connect: a global programme for emerging policy leaders

Interested in changing global policy? If you're aged 18-35 - apply now for British Council's Future Leaders Connect and be part of an intensive 10-day leadership programme - 2 places for Northern Ireland applicants guaranteed.

The Deadline is looming to find the next generation of leaders from Northern Ireland.

Applicants have less than three weeks to apply to British Council’s Future Leaders Connect – a global programme which gives 18-35 year-olds the opportunity to discuss the most significant issues facing the next generation - with two places for Northern Ireland candidates guaranteed.

The leadership and policy programme will give 50 young high achievers the chance to meet and learn from heads of NGOs, policy-makers and MPs, as well as interact with participants from Egypt, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Tunisia, Canada, USA and the rest of the UK.

Across nine days, applicants will participate in leadership learning and development, gain the skills they need to turn innovative ideas in to tangible policy recommendations, culminating in a series of exclusive workshops and meetings in the Houses of Parliament.

Last year’s participants, including Katherine McCloskey, a Public Affairs and Policy Co-ordinator at NIACRO, and Jonathan Buckley, a MLA for Upper Bann, presented their policy ideas at 10 Downing Street, had meetings at the BBC and the Houses of Parliament and discussed global challenges with former heads of the United Nations Ban Ki-Moon and Kofi Annan.

During the programme they took part in seminars on policy-making and leadership skills, learning the techniques that affect real change and became part of a global alumni network.

Speaking about the value of taking part in Future Leaders Connect, Katherine said:

“Future Leaders Connect has provided me with a global platform to share the policy work being done here in Northern Ireland in relation to mental health and criminal justice with other policy leaders from across the world. I now have a trusted group of peers who I can share ideas with, debate local and global policy, and a pool of experts to garner support for my key policy priorities.

“The Programme and the continued communication between participants has given me the opportunity to critically evaluate my thinking about my policy vision and has opened my eyes to new and emerging policy practice and trends. There is so much more to Future Leaders Connect than the nine-day Programme, it is a continuous network for learning and development with other like-minded policy leaders.”

This year’s applicants will be asked what their unique policy ideas are and why they have what it takes to be a global leader.  Applications must be submitted online before Sunday 13 May 2018 23.59 (UK time) via

Jonathan Stewart, Director, British Council Northern Ireland, said: “We are looking for high achieving, motivated candidates to join our growing network of future leaders.

“Through Future Leaders Connect we hope to bring together the next generation of world leaders and help them understand the practical nature of policy-making, unravel the mysteries of leadership and develop friendships and contacts with counterparts around the world.”

The programme will take future leaders to Cambridge and London in October, with costs covered by the British Council.

Future Leaders Connect is a long-term project to create a community of emerging leaders from around the world who have spent time in the UK developing their capacity to be effective policy leaders, and have a connection with the UK’s culture and institutions.

Join the conversation online using #FutureLeadersConnect. For more information on British Council Northern Ireland visit

Last updated 6 years 2 months ago