A&O Shearman Foundation Boosts Funding for Fifteen Local Charities
The Foundation is funded by contributions from A&O Shearman partners worldwide and is managed locally by the Belfast Grants Committee. The Foundation is committed to driving social impact by supporting a range of grass roots organisations dedicated to advancing education, improving employment opportunities, and increasing access to justice.
Ciaran McCallion, Head of HR, at A&O Shearman Belfast, and a member of the Belfast Grants Committee welcomed this year’s funding allocation: “The successful charities are all delivering projects that are transforming communities in a positive way, and we recognise the vital contribution they are making against an increasingly challenging backdrop.
“Alongside this funding, we will identify reciprocal volunteering and pro bono opportunities for our 800+ employees in Belfast. This is an important aspect of our ongoing commitment and continued investment to Northern Ireland as a responsible business.”
The 15 successful charities include NSPCC NI and Action Mental Health.
NSPCC NI support people in Belfast and Foyle Hubs and in communities across Northern Ireland to stop child abuse and neglect, transforming the online world to make it safer for children, and making sure every child and young person has a place to turn for support when they need it. The funding will be used directly in delivering the charity’s Speak out Stay safe workshops to local primary schools across Northern Ireland, to help children, in an age-appropriate way, understand abuse and give them the confidence and courage to speak out and seek help if they ever need it.
Susan Smith, NSPCC Northern Ireland’s Community Fundraising Manager said; “We are extremely grateful to the A&O Shearman Foundation for their wonderfully generous donation which will be used to help support our Speak out Stay safe programme for three years.
“This programme is available to all primary schools in Northern Ireland and helps children, aged, 4-11, understand abuse in all its forms, how to recognise the signs of abuse and importantly, where to get help if they need it.
“The money will help us keep local children safe, by delivering the Speak out Stay safe messages to 10,000 children over the three-year-period.”
Action Mental Health is a charity supporting the recovery of individuals with mental ill health through the provision of personal development, vocational/work-based training and employment support. The Foundation’s support will fund the charity’s EVOLVE and SPEER programmes which will support 35 young people over three years, in recovery from mental ill health to progress their journey to education, personal development and employment.
John Davis, Service Manager at Action Mental Health adds; “This funding will help support the delivery of our specialist youth programmes in Antrim and Lisburn for young people aged 18-25. The funding will be used to offer a range of activities and accredited learning that will build confidence and self-esteem. The programmes will support the development of teamwork and employability skills for young people who are facing mental health issues.”
Education Projects
- Adoption UK
- Aspire NI
- Business in the Community
- Fighting Words
- Integrated Education Fund
- The Ulster Orchestra
- Young Enterprise
Employment Projects
- Action Mental Health
- Monkstown Boxing Club
- Specialisterne
- The Turnaround Project
Access to Justice Projects
- North West Migrants Forum
- Special Education Needs Advice Centre (SENAC)
- Ulster University – Access to Justice scholarships

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