'All Right Lads?'
You are invited to apply for a free place at the ‘All Right Lads?’ conference which will be held on Thursday 27th February 2014 in Crumlin Road Goal, Belfast BT14 6ST.
This event is being organised by the Man Matters Partnership - made up of WEA NI, Parenting NI, Home-Start NI and the Men's Health Forum in Ireland.
The conference will be a large-scale half-day event (9.30am - 1.00pm) comprising a number of guest speakers and four parallel sessions. These sessions will focus upon Working with Fathers, Men’s Health Training, Men and Education, and Men’s Development Work.
At the end of the conference, there will also be an opportunity for attendees to take a tour of the Gaol, and to have a personal health check conducted.
Full details and a booking form can be accessed at: www.wea-ni.com/index.php?option=com_seminar&Itemid=376