Advice NI Training Calendar July - December 2019
Advice NI present the latest training programme that includes all courses until the end of 2019.
As well as the new-look training calendar, Advice NI are delighted to present more than 20 new courses for this period. These include courses such as Social Media - Tips & Tricks for Charities, GDPR Awareness for the Advice Sector and Understanding Education Rights for Advisers. All of these and more can be found on the calendar below.
The big news for Advice NI in the second half of this year is that we're moving premises. As of September 2019 all of our courses will be held at our new home at Forestview, Purdy's Lane, Belfast. This year we also have some alternative training venues in Belfast - all details are included on the calendar and on our website. Please, double check your training venue before attending any course.
For hard copies or any other information email training@adviceni.net or call 028 90645919.

Advice NI
Purdy's Lane
United Kingdom