Advice for customers who may be affected by Ryanair strike action

The Consumer Council has provided advice to customers who could be affected by the Ryanair UK pilots’ strike during the next few days.

Ryanair has said that it plans to operate its full schedule of flights to and from UK airports during its UK pilot’s strike on 22 and 23 August.

Richard Williams, Head of Transport Policy at The Consumer Council, said; “We all hope that there is a minimum disruption. However, if there are disruptions the usual rights of passengers apply.

“Strike action by an airline’s own staff is within normal business and within the airline’s control and therefore does not exempt it from paying compensation to affected passengers.  This principle was confirmed by European judges in the German case of Helga Krüsemann and Others v TUIfly GmbH and is legally binding throughout Europe and in the UK. Therefore, you should be entitled to compensation if your flight is delayed or cancelled. Unfortunately Ryanair has refused to pay compensation during previous strike actions, however the Civil Aviation Authority has said they must pay and is taking enforcement action against them.”

 “If your flight is delayed by two hours or more your airline must look after you by providing assistance such as free meals and telephone calls. If your flight is cancelled your airline must offer you a choice between a full refund, an alternative flight at the earliest opportunity (plus free meals, accommodation and free telephone calls or emails while you wait), or an alternative flight at a later date of your choice (subject to availability). You should speak to your airline in the first instance to discuss your options. If you make your own alternative arrangements before speaking with your airline it may not refund you for additional costs.

Commenting on other potential strikes, Richard added; “British Airways pilots have also threatened to strike. However, no date has been set by their Union, who must give at least 14 days’ notice to the airline of any disruption to flights.”

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Last updated 4 years 10 months ago