Addiction NI Alcohol Information Seminar concludes Alcohol Awareness Week

Addiction NI Director, Dr. Claire Armstrong delivered a frank analysis of alcohol in Northern Ireland to local councillors as a conclusion to Alcohol Awareness Week.

The seminar delivered hard hitting and honest insight into the situation currently facing Addiction NI as a voluntary organisation working with alcohol misuse. Dr Armstrong presented on the increasing demand for the treatment service and the lack of resources facing the sector. The objective of the seminar was to share the knowledge of Addiction NI with Belfast City councillors to help them better understand the alcohol issues in their communities.

The Health Minister Edwin Poots met with Dr Armstrong earlier in the week for a private briefing, he stated that: "Alcohol Awareness Week is an important opportunity to raise issues related to alcohol misuse across Northern Ireland. I want to be very clear, addressing the harm related to alcohol and drug misuse in Northern Ireland remains a key priority for my Department, and for me personally.


Estimates put the social costs of alcohol misuse at up to £900 million. However, these figures do not bring to life the individual tragedies that alcohol has on individuals, families and communities across Northern Ireland.


“Therefore, I want to use this opportunity to recognise the impact that organisations in the voluntary and community sector who work with those affected by substance misuse have. It is a difficult but important job, and the people working in this field make a real difference to the lives of many individuals who misuse alcohol and drugs – and indeed to the wider community affected by substance misuse.


Addiction NI estimates that around 70% of their work is with those with alcohol misuse issues. This further reinforces the scale of the problem, and reinforces my commitment to dealing with the issue. Addiction NI are right to highlight the affordability and accessibility of alcohol – and this is an issue I’m looking at closely with my colleagues in the Executive”.


Dr Claire Armstrong agreed saying “The current alcohol situation in Northern Ireland is critical, Addiction NI is treating over 2,000 people a year and demand continues to grow.”

“Alcohol Awareness Week has given Addiction NI the opportunity to stress the seriousness of the current alcohol time bomb to key decision makers. I want to thank the Department of Health and Belfast City Councillors for their continued support and participation in Alcohol Awareness Week.”

Last updated 12 years 3 months ago