Action on Hearing Loss NI - Call for Northern Ireland Advisory Group candidates

Action on Hearing Loss NI's Advisory Group is inviting members to stand as candidates to fill four vacancies.

Action on Hearing Loss is the new name for RNID. We are the largest UK charity serving deaf and hard of hearing people and people with tinnitus.

Why we are needed:

In Northern Ireland alone:

  • 287,000 people have hearing loss
  • More than 57,000 people have hearing aids
  • More than 350,000 have tinnitus – with 8,945 affected severely.

For more information about who we are and what we do, please visit

How you can help:

Our Northern Ireland Advisory Group is inviting members to stand as candidates to fill four vacancies as elected members of the Group. The Group is responsible for promoting the interests of Action on Hearing Loss in Northern Ireland. They will support staff in promoting our aims, ethos and values, and report to the Board of Trustees. Group members will serve a term of three years and attend three to four meetings a year. 

To be eligible to stand for election, you must be a member of Action on Hearing Loss and nominated by a member of the organisation. Your nominator must have been a member before 13 June 2012. If you would like to stand for election but you do not know anyone eligible to nominate you, we have a panel of suitable members who may be willing to stand as nominator.

 We are particularly interested in people who have skills and networks in the areas of:

  1. Marketing and brand awareness
  2. Service development and innovation
  3. Enterprise and Innovation
  4. Public sector procurement

Applications are welcomed from those who have an understanding of and a passion for our cause.

If you would like more information about standing for election, or if you would like one of our panel of members to act as your nominator, contact Lynne Button or Vicky Hemming (contact details below). The closing date for all nominations is 28 October 2012.

If there are more nominations than there are vacancies, we will hold a ballot. Voting forms will be sent out to eligible members in November.

Results will be announced in on our website and in the magazine.

For more details contact Lynne Button 020 7296 8231 (tel), or Vicky Hemming 020 7296 8085 (tel), or email: [email protected]

If you would like an informal chat about this opportunity with the Director of Northern Ireland, please contact Jackie White on 02890 239619 or email [email protected]


Last updated 11 years 10 months ago