Alongside Gordons Chemists and Lagan Construction Group, Action Cancer is encouraging outdoor workers to take care in the sun. Building and construction staff to name a few are often exposed to long hours of sun, and are at a greater risk of sun damage.

Action Cancer Health Promotion Manager, Frances Dowds is joined by Ryan Gordon, Gordons Chemists as well as Suzanne McCabe and Campbell Murphy from Lagan Construction Group to celebrate the arrival of summer and the news that Gordons Chemists are continuing their long standing partnership with Action Cancer, assisting the charity in raising vital awareness about safe sun.


Alongside Lagan Construction Group, Action Cancer is encouraging outdoor workers to take care in the sun, and think sun safe.  Building and construction staff to name a few are often exposed to long hours of sun, and therefore are at a greater risk of sun damage.


This summer Action Cancer’s 2016 Safe Sun campaign will be delivered at public events and during the delivery of any health promotion service, in a bid to cut the number of people being diagnosed with cancers caused by over-exposure to the sun. With skin cancer being the most common type of cancer diagnosed in Northern Ireland (Public Health Agency 2015), the Safe Sun message is all the more important for people of Northern Ireland to be aware of. Out of approx. 3,678 people diagnosed annually around 319 develop the most serious type of skin cancer, known as malignant melanoma, and around 64 people die from the disease in Northern Ireland every year.


Action Cancer Health Promotion Manager, Frances Dowds said, “The key message we want the public to be aware of is how they can protect themselves - through the use of high factor sun cream when they are outside (SPF 15 or higher), avoiding the sun when it’s at its strongest (11am-3pm), covering skin with hats and other cool layers. Also be aware of your skin type, avoid the use of sunbeds and seek medical advice for any changes in skin moles. Look out for Action Cancer leaflets and bookmarks on safe sun tips, and don’t miss the opportunity to take some free sun cream at any of Action Cancer’s events this summer!”


Sinead Curran, Head of Human Resources at Lagan Construction Group said,

“As a responsible employer, the wellbeing of our employees and sub-contractors is of top priority and this is why we’re encouraging our people to think sun safe this summer.


We are delighted to support Action Cancer’s Safe Sun campaign, reminding our people of the importance of taking sensible precautions when it comes to sun safety, from wearing their hard hat, using suitable factor sunscreens to staying in the shade during their breaks. These simple steps will help reduce the chance of them suffering long-term skin damage as a result of sun exposure.”


Leading independent pharmacy chain, Gordons Chemists is proud to be proactively supporting this campaign with sun protection products and advice in each of their 54 NI stores, in an effort to educate outdoor workers and the general public about the need for sun protection. Sun protection brand P20 is kindly supporting the campaign by donating sun cream which will be used as samples throughout the campaign.


Ryan Gordon, Gordons Chemists added,

“Community pharmacy teams are valuable sources of information as they can help people to identify the sunscreens which best meet the needs of both themselves and their family. Community pharmacy also plays an important part in helping to prevent the incidences of skin cancer through health promotion messages which can raise awareness of how to protect your skin against the sun as well as recognising the signs and the factors associated with skin cancer”.  


Further information can be obtained at and @actioncancer or from Gordons Chemists,, and @gordonschemists.

Last updated 8 years ago