An Accredited Guide to Welfare Reforms

Everything you need to know in one convenient qualification

Title/Reference:  An Accredited Guide to Welfare Reforms (Ref: AGWR/NOV/2016)

About the Course:

This interactive course covers all aspects of current welfare reforms including PIP, ESA changes, Discretionary Support, and changes to housing related benefits. It explores sanctions, mitigations, and challenging decisions (e.g. mandatory reconsiderations). The course will fully equip advisers with the knowledge and skills needed for welfare reform as well as practical experience such as completing the new benefit forms. It is accredited with OCNNI at Level 3 and worth 18 CPD hours.

Who Should Attend?

This course is recommended for Advisers (including volunteers) and other colleagues wanting to develop and/or accredit their knowledge of Welfare Reforms.


The course will run over 3 days from 10am to 4pm each day. It will run on the following dates:

Course Run



RUN 1:

November 2016


2nd,9th,16th of November  2016

RUN 2:

November 2016


8th, 15th and 23rd of November 2016

RUN 3:

January 2017


12th,19th and 26th of January 2017 

RUN 4:

February 2017


8th,15th and 22nd of February 2017

Note: Candidates only need to complete 1 run.

The Belfast runs will be delivered at Advice NI offices and the Derry/Londonderry delivered at Verbal Arts Centre (NI), Stable Lane and Mall Wall, Bishop Street Within, Derry/ London Derry, Northern Ireland, BT48 6PU.

Fees: The cost of the course is £450 per person which includes OCNNI registration and certification fees. The Department for Communities will fund the cost of the course for frontline council-funded advice providers.

Accreditation/CPD Hours: The course is Northern Ireland’s first accredited Welfare Reform qualification. It is accredited with OCNNI at Level 3 and worth 18 CPD hours.

Educational/Professional Framework:

The course covers all DfC Welfare Reform training requirements for council-funded advisers. This course can be used as evidence towards a range of units in our Advice and Guidance NVQ’s and Legal Advice qualifications including ‘Understanding the Importance of Legislation and Procedures’ (Unit 30). It is also linked to the National Occupational Standards for Legal Advisers including ‘IB19 – First Line Welfare Rights and Legal Advice’.


Last updated 7 years 8 months ago