An Accredited Guide to Universal Credit - Run 1 (23rd February - 9th March)

Friday, 23 February 2018 - 10:00am to Friday, 9 March 2018 - 4:00pm

This in depth, practical course focuses on all aspects of Universal Credit, the most profound change to Social Security since its inception, to prepare Advisers for its roll-out starting in September 2017. Key content includes: • What is Universal Credit (e.g. benefit rules, processes, applications, sanctions); • Changes to and transitions from other benefits and supports (e.g. Housing Benefit); • What Universal Credit means for the claimant (e.g. responsibilities and employability) • Claimant support (e.g. vulnerability, digital support, and financial capability) The course will fully equip advisers with the knowledge and skills needed to calculate precise awards of Universal Credit as well as provide practical experience with completing the application, maintaining ongoing claims alongside associated digital advice, employability and financial capability promotion skills. It is accredited with OCNNI at Level 3 and in conjunction with the ‘Universal Credit: Coaching Clients Digitally’ course covers the Department for Communities (DfC) Universal Credit training requirements for advisers. This is a 3 day course. This course will run on: Run 1: 23rd Feb, 2nd March and 9th March. Run 2: 29th May, 5th June and 12th June.

Who Should Attend: 

This course is recommended for Advisers (including volunteers) and other colleagues wanting to expand and/or accredit their knowledge of Universal Credit.


The cost of the course is £450 per person which includes OCNNI registration and certification fees. The Department for Communities will fund the cost of the course for frontline council-funded advice providers.

CPD Hours: 

The course is accredited with OCNNI at Level 3 and worth 18 CPD hours.

Education/Professional Framework: 

This course can be used as evidence towards a range of units in our Advice and Guidance qualifications including ‘Understanding the Importance of Legislation and Procedures’ (Unit 30). It is also linked to the National Occupational Standards for Legal Advisers including ‘IB19 – First Line Welfare Rights and Legal Advice’.


Last updated 6 years 5 months ago