Access To Drake Music - training program launch
The Drake Music Project Northern Ireland are launching a new series of our bespoke training course to add to the skills base of the Project, creating new associate musicians to delivery our artistic activities.
The new course will commence on 29th October and run until mid-December, based at our studio locations in Belfast and Newry.
Content and time commitment will include:
8 sessions of 4 hours contact teaching time with Drake music associates - 8 days.
3 sessions of 5 hours contact teaching with external trainers (Skoog Scotland, SoundBeam UK, and Disability Awareness) – 3 days.
2 hours per week for 8 weeks shadow workshop activity.
4 hours per week Drake studio access time with Drake associate on location.
Further details, entry requirements and course costs and terms are available from:

Drake Music Project Northern Ireland
The Drake Music Project Northern Ireland
5 Win Business Park Canal Quay,
BT35 6PH
United Kingdom