5 A Side Football Fundraiser

Housing Rights is looking for teams for its 2nd Annual Football Tournament which will be happening at Playball Stormont Pavillion on the 12 August 2017. The competition is open to all and promises to be a great day.

This year's 5-a-side tournament will take place at the Stormont Pavillion on Saturday 12 August from 11:00-14:00 where the 3G pitches will be perfect for players of all standards.

Last year's event was a lot of fun, with the tense final ending with Holylands Old Boys beating Fold Housing to win the Trophy. 

Entering a team

It will be £60 per team, with 5 players (and an optional 2 subs). If you would like to register a team, you can apply online or by emailing [email protected].

Everyone is welcome to come along and watch the football on the day.

All funds raised will go towards helping Housing Rights prevent homelessness in Northern Ireland.

Last updated 6 years 11 months ago