3441681 - Tender for the establishment of a Dynamic Framework Agreement for the provision of Trauma Informed and Trauma Specific Interventions

3441681 - Tender for the establishment of a Dynamic Framework Agreement for the provision of Trauma Informed and Trauma Specific Interventions

The Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT) and the Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT) on behalf of CAWT (Co-operation and Working Together) MACE Project seeks to appoint suitably qualified service providers to a dynamic framework agreement; to deliver a variety of trauma informed and trauma specific interventions for families who have child/children aged 0-3 years and/or 11-13 years; who are at risk of experiencing multiple adversities in their lives.


Please note this tender is the reopening of the dynamic framework agreement (DFA) original tender number 3001598. In accordance with its terms and conditions the DFA is now being reopened for new entrants to be admitted under the same requirements as the original tender exercise. Providers currently awarded to DFA 3001598 should only respond to this opportunity if they wish to include additional interventions. Otherwise this is for new entrants/providers only.


As part of this reopening the Western Health and Social Care Trust (WHSCT) and the Southern Health and Social Care Trust (SHSCT) on behalf of CAWT (Co-operation and Working Together) MACE Project wish to hold an awareness session for interested tenderers. This awareness session will be held on Monday 12 April 2021 via Zoom. If you wish to attend this session please register your interest in this Call for Tender (CfT) on eTendersNI, under resource ID 3441681 and send a message through the messaging portal requesting joining instructions before 3pm on Friday 9th April 2021.


The Tender and all associated Tender documents can be found at https://etendersni.gov.uk/epps under resource ID 3441681.


The contract notice associated with this Tender opportunity can be found at the link below;


Last updated 3 years 3 months ago