3 Tips to Re Programming Your Mind

FindOut has developed a series of courses to help you discover the secret behind realising your own true potential through the art of Neuro- Linguistic Programming. This is a method of influencing brain behaviour (the "neuro" part of the phrase) through t


We asked Gerry Kelly, FindOut’s International Trainer of  Neuro Linguistic Programming for his tips on becoming a better you;

3 Tips to Re-Programme Your Mind

1              What you focus on is very often what you get - energy goes where attention goes.  So, change your focus to what you want!

2              You are the one in charge of your mind and therefore your results – If you do not like the results that you are getting then take control and change them.

3              There are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states of mind.  You have all the resources that you need to get what you want – start accessing them now!

NLP is an extremely powerful discipline which enables people to discover and utilise the programmes that they run through the nervous system to achieve excellence in everything that they do.

Come along to an NLP Masterclass on Thursday 25th February 5.30pm at The Pavilion, Stormont.

To register, please contact Joanna on:  028 9052 2135 or email [email protected]


Last updated 8 years 4 months ago