10 Years of Peacebuilding through World Arts

On 16th January 2004 Beyond Skin was formally constituted as an organisation that would address racism & sectarianism by bringing people together and reaching out through the arts.

Our aptly named first project was in partnership with 1 Giant Leap (www.1giantleap.tv) and what a leap it was!  Ten years on we have directly worked with over 55,000 people, running on average 172 workshops/events a year, providing paid employment to approximately 220 people representing over 50 nationalities and developing links and projects with 27 countries.

What is more impressive is the fact that it wasn’t until 2012 we got our first funding investment to assist with a third of our core running costs.

10 years on it is unfortunate that in today’s world there is still a real need for organisations such as ourselves – certainly not something to celebrate.

What we are celebrating, however, is our success in making a positive contribution to society.  We could not have foreseen, when starting up in 2004, that we would play such a big role in the development of international arts, especially world music, becoming a catalyst and platform for new global relationships, artistic networks and support for international artists coming to our shores. This in turn has resulted in new creative enterprises, initiatives, collaborations and, in some cases, the formation of music groups.

We have also played a vital role in equipping young people through global and cultural education to interact, mature and make a positive impact as a global citizen.  What better way to enhance personal & skills development, building confidence, aspiration and assisting with mental health issues?

The joy for us has been the people we have met along the way, working alongside us to deliver projects and make a real difference. We seem to have always come across the right people at the right time, making us more of a global family than an organisation, a social force rather than a brand, and most of all a dynamic team of individuals that form part of a wider global movement to promote peace and equality for all.

Whatever you chose to call this land - Northern Ireland, the North of Ireland etc - that fact is that through the scores of people from across the world we have come in contact with (artists, students, journalists, researchers, tourists), the message has been the same; this small piece of land on the globe is one of the most welcoming and friendly places on earth.


Looking back over the last decade, Beyond Skin has come a long way; but there remains much to be done.

So in light of why we exist as an organisation let us not raise a glass to the next 10 years of Beyond Skin, but to a future that will see progress towards a more equal and peaceful society, allowing our collective create gifts to flourish and have a positive impact on the welfare of each and every person.

Throughout 2014 we will be marking our 10th anniversary through various activities, so we hope to see you along the way.

In cyberspace your first port of call is our home website www.beyondskin.net linking you to social media sites, project websites and archive websites.

Here is list of the main websites.








"In 37 years of teaching, I have never seen all children engaged all of the time in any activity as I have today"
- Primary School Teacher at a Beyond Skin workshop

10 year anniversary

Beyond Skin – how it all started timeline…

Autumn 2003: Musician & development aid charity worker , Darren Ferguson saw an ad in a music paper "1 Giant Leap – music is the proof of the existence of God." Curious about such a powerful statement, Darren went on to discover it was an audio/visual project exploring the 'Unity in the Diversity' using music as the narrative. After seeing the DVD Darren was inspired and knew showing the film in Belfast could help address issues around racism & sectarianism.

Winter 2003: Darren met with Caroline Wilson from Belfast City Council Good Relations Unit about funding a 1 Giant Leap Belfast project. With guidance from Caroline, Darren was advised that the council would only fund an organisation and she signposted him to NICVA for further advice.

January 16rh 2004: Beyond Skin was formally constituted as an organisation that would address racism & sectarianism by bringing people together and reaching out through the arts..

April 2004: Beyond Skin got awarded funding from Belfast City Council & the Community Relations Council for 1 Giant Leap Belfast.

May 2004: 1 Giant Leap  film producers, Jamie Catto & Duncan Bridgeman) came to Belfast with 8 other musicians from the 1 Giant Leap project as part of a two week programme of film screenings, discussion forums and a finale concert.
The success of the 1 Giant Leap Belfast project became the catalyst for everything that has happened since.

Last updated 10 years 3 months ago