10-16 March is Living Donation Week!
There are over 6,000 people in the UK waiting for a kidney transplant, with nearly 90 of those in Northern Ireland.
Could you help someone receive the organ they need? This Living Donation Week, consider being a living donor and discover the difference you could make. Take your first step, visit www.organdonationni.info/living-donation.
Follow @OrganDonationNI on Facebook, Instagram and X for a range of stories and information across the week to showcase the lifesaving gift of living donation.
Living Donation Week coincides with World Kidney Day (13 March) which is also an opportunity to raise awareness of the importance of kidney health. This year’s theme is ‘Are Your Kidneys OK? Detect early, protect kidney health’. To take the Kidney Quiz, find out about your amazing kidneys, what they do, and how to keep them healthy. visit www.worldkidneyday.org.

Public Health Agency
Linenhall Street Unit
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United Kingdom