
Volunteer 1-1 Befriending & Time out for Carers for the over 65s

LLT Community Association

Based in Laurencetown and surrounding towns and villages, LLTCA's Connecting the Community is supporting those aged 65+ with 1-1 befriending and support for older carers.

Laurencetown, Lenaderg and Tullylish Community Association’s (LLTCA) Connecting the Community Project is supporting local people aged 65+ get and keep connected in the Laurencetown, Bleary, Donacloney, Waringstown, Gilford, Tandragee, Scarva, Laurelvale, Blackskull and Banbridge area; extending towards Lurgan, and Portadown. 

As a volunteer with LLTCA's Connecting the Community you will be offering 1-1 support and provide people with opportunities to get involved in other groups and activities and connect with other services:

  • Befriending – exploring new things to do with our older folk eg meeting for a coffee, going for a walk, doing an activity/craft together, going to a new activity or group, just having a chat

  • Time Out for Carers – supporting much valued older carers and those they care for have time for themselves and help keep themselves well and connected.

If you have a couple of hours to spare once or twice a month and are interested in offering befriending or time out for carers, please get in touch!  Volunteering can also open up new opportunities for you and give you the chance to meet people you wouldn’t normally in your day-to-day life.

 You'll play a valuable role in LLTCA which offers a wide range of groups and services from offering pre-school to youth clubs; arts, craft and drama groups for a rang of ages through to activities such as bowls and clubs for older people.


Closing Date

Tuesday / 31 December 2024

Contact Details


Connecting the Community


The Community Centre

Drumnascamph Rd



10a Drumnascamph Road
BT63 6DU
United Kingdom



LLTCA Volunteer Application - Final.docx

National Lottery Community Fund - People and Communities

National Lottery Community Fund
Connecting the Community for the over 65s