Board Membership

Treasurer - Mae Murray Foundation

Mae Murray Foundation

Finance & Accountancy
The position is voluntary. Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed in line with our Volunteer Policy.
Join the Mae Murray Foundation Board of Directors, as they seek a new Treasurer to further the vision of a society which is inclusive to people of all ages and abilities. To apply, or for more information, contact CEO at

Join the Mae Murray Foundation Board of Directors, as they seek a new Treasurer to further the vision of a society which is inclusive to people of all ages and abilities.

To apply, or if you require more information, contact CEO Kyleigh Lough at


Context of role:

Mae Murray Foundation is a registered charity set up to help people of all abilities to take part and be included within society – in particular those feeling excluded due to age, complex need, disability, medical or undiagnosed condition. We have diverse and dynamic projects reaching most of Northern Ireland but are most active within the Northern Trust area. Our office is based in Larne. We have an annual turnover of around £350,000. We have 9 office-based staff (3 full-time and 6 part-time), 20 sessional staff (these are staff who support our events) and over 80 volunteers. We are looking for a volunteer Treasurer to join our dedicated Board of Directors and give time and commitment to help us run our charity. 

The Finance Officer, Fundraising and Communication Officer and the CEO carry out the day-to-day financial operations but it is the role of the Treasurer to support this work and ensure that the financial operations are in line with financial procedures.

Role purpose:

  • To maintain a strategic overview of the financial affairs of Mae Murray Foundation, ensuring financial viability, compliance with relevant legislative frameworks, effective use of resources and ensuring that proper financial records and procedures are maintained.
  • To act as the leading interface between the Board of Directors and CEO on financial matters.
  • To contribute actively to the Board’s role in giving firm strategic direction to the organisation, setting overall policy, defining goals and setting targets and evaluating performance against agreed targets. 

Hours: There are 6 evening Board meetings, most of which are remote. The Treasurer should spend 2 hours in the Larne-based office each month. The overall commitment is approximately four hours per month.

Salary: The position is voluntary. Reasonable travel expenses will be reimbursed in line with our Volunteer Policy.

Essential Criteria

  • Interest in the work of the Mae Murray Foundation and keenness to play a key role in a rapidly growing organisation
  • Accountancy degree
  • Knowledge and experience of current and fundraising finance practice relevant to voluntary and community organisations.
  • Knowledge of book-keeping and financial management
  • Good financial analysis skills.
  • Ability to communicate clearly

Desirable Criteria

  • Knowledge of charity finance


Role Description

Main duties and responsibilities

  • Oversee the financial affairs of the organisation and ensure they are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practice.
  • Monitor and report on the financial health of the organisation.
  • Guiding and advising the Board in the approval of budgets, accounts and financial statements, within a relevant financial policy framework.
  • Keeping the Board informed about its financial duties and responsibilities.
  • Advising on the financial implications of strategic plans and key assumptions in the operational plan and annual budget.
  • Ensuring that all Board members have a clear understanding of the accounts presented at meetings and the implications that they reveal.
  • Understanding the accounting procedures and key internal controls to be able to assure the Board that the charity's financial integrity is sound.
  • Ensuring that a realistic budget is produced and that there is an appropriate reserves policy.
  • Monitoring the income and expenditure position, and presenting reports to the Board at least quarterly, in a format accessible to the Board members.
  • Ensuring that full financial records are kept for all transactions, and that proper financial procedures and controls are in place to safeguard resources.
  • Ensuring that money received is only spent on the purposes for which it was given, and, where required, ensuring that reports and accounts demonstrating this are submitted to funders.
  • Managing the preparation of the annual accounts in compliance with the SORP Accounting for Charities.
  • Ensuring that annual accounts are submitted to the Charity Commission and/or Registrar of Companies, within the deadlines set.
  • Presenting the accounts at the AGM and drawing attention to important points in a coherent and understandable way.
  • Liaising with and supporting staff with financial matters including payroll and pensions.
  • Playing a key role in planning a clear fundraising strategy to raise money for future activities and developments.
  • Liaise with relevant staff, committee members and/or volunteers to ensure the financial viability of the organisation.
  • Make fellow committee members aware of their financial obligations and take a lead in interpreting financial data to them.
  • Regularly report the financial position at committee meetings (balance sheet, cash flow, fundraising performance etc).
  • Oversee the production of an annual budget and propose its adoption at the last meeting of the previous financial year.
  • Ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures and controls are in place, ie:
    • Cheque signatories
    • Purchasing limits
    • Purchasing systems
    • Petty cash/ float (if applicable)
    • Salary payments
    • Pensions
    • PAYE and NI payments
    • Others as appropriate
  • Appraising the financial viability of plans, proposals and feasibility studies.
  • Lead on appointing and liaising with auditors/an independent examiner.
  • Regularly oversee reconciliations which are completed by the Finance Officer.

Person Specification

  • Ability to manage financial checks and controls.
  • Knowledge of pension schemes and fundraising regulations.
  • The skills to analyse proposals and examine their financial consequences.
  • Ability to understand and accept his/her responsibilities and liabilities as trustee and employer.
  • Preparedness to make unpopular recommendations to the Board.
  • Willingness to be available to staff to provide advice and guidance on financial matters working generally to a 2-5 day response time.
  • Ability to communicate financial information to non-financial audiences verbally and in writing.
  • Good interpersonal skills with the ability to relate easily to other Board members and the staff and volunteer team.
  • Commitment to the aims, principles and policies of the citizens advice service, including those relating to equal opportunities.

Contact Details

Kyleigh Lough

Unit A6, Willowbank Business Park
2 Willowbank Road, Millbrook
BT40 2S




Closing Date

Saturday / 31 May 2025

Contact Details

CEO - Kyleigh Lough


Unit A6
Willowbank Business Park
BT40 2SF
United Kingdom