
Recruitment of Board Chairperson

Turning Point NI

Turning Point Ni would like to invite applications for the positions of Chairperson on its Board of Trustees.

The Board of Turning Point NI has overall control to the Charity and is responsible for oversight of its activities and for achievement of its charitable purposes.  As a member of the Board, you will play an essential role in running the charity, bringing valuable experience, skills and know to help maintain the values and further develop the vital and innovative work carried out by the organisation.


Applications are particularly welcome from those who can demonstrate skills and experience in one or more of the following areas:

Senior management experience (ideally experience acting as a Board Chairperson) – Chairperson only

Legal expertise

Financial expertise

HR expertise

Clinical operational expertise



An opportunity has arisen to engage a new Chair to lead the Charity and support the team moving forward.

Key responsibilities will include: -

  • Sitting the strategic direction of travel working with the Director and team to ensure strategic priorities and operational plans are implemented
  • Regularly review performance against objectives
  • Ensuring Turning Point NI fulfils its objectives, general functions, duties and appropriately exercises its legal powers in conjunction with the Board
  • ensuring Board members operate in accordance with good governance best practice and standards
  • Chairing bimonthly Board meetings and the annual general meeting
  • Conducting one to one annual meetings with Trustees and completing a skills audit to monitor skills gaps etc.


Board meetings

Board meetings will be held bi-monthly (further exceptional meetings can be held where there are specific and urgent issues to be discussed).  Board papers will be provided in advance of the meeting giving the Chair and Trustees the opportunity to read and prepare for the meeting.


To apply please submit your CV with a 1-page cover letter detailing your suitability for Chairperson to Director of Turning Point NI - Trudi Powerl - trudi@turningpointni.co.uk.

Closing date 16th October 2024.

Closing Date

Wednesday / 16 October 2024

Contact Details

Trudi Power 

62 Mill Street
BT43 5AF
United Kingdom
