Public Appointments - Historic Buildings Council Chair
Department for Communities

Are you looking for an opportunity to use your skills and experience to make a significant contribution to the protection and development of Northern Ireland’s unique and important historic environment? If so, applications are sought for the appointment of the Chair to the Historic Buildings Council (HBC).
The Council acts as a statutory advisor to the Department for Communities (DfC) covering historic buildings. This supports the work of DfC in treasuring the past and thereby enriching the future, recognising the multiple ways in which the historic environment can support our prosperity, strengthen our society and shape our character.
Applications from women, people with a disability, young people and people from minority ethnic groups would be particularly welcomed.
The Chair position is unremunerated but receives reasonable expenses. A commitment of 3 days per month is required. Further detail on the selection criteria, the role and the time commitment are included in the application pack which you are encouraged to read fully.
How to Apply
An application pack can be obtained via the following:
E-mail: Telephone: 028 9081 9417
If you require an application pack in a different format, please contact us. The deadline for receipt of applications is 12:00 noon (UK local time) on Monday 9 December 2024. CVs and late applications will not be accepted.
Closing Date
Contact Details
DfC Governance Unit
Causeway Exchange
United Kingdom