Job | Temporary

Internship Opportunity


Abaana is a Christian based charity which invests in children in Africa, helping them to break the chains of poverty through education. We have exciting intern opportunities available to start from September 2024. Applications are welcome now!

We are so excited to be able to offer internships once again!

About the post

Abaana is a Christian based charity which invests in children in Africa, helping them to break the chains of poverty through education. Do you have a passion to make a difference? Could you help Abaana fulfil its goals? Why not consider our exciting internship opportunity?

The internships will run from September 2024 until the end of June 2025 (with the option of a trip to Uganda as part of an Abaana team in July/August 2025).  The main areas of work will be:

– Supporting Abaana’s general work: Helping within the office, running events and giving presentations.

–  Promotion of Abaana Fundraising: Helping Abaana network across schools, churches and universities to encourage as many people as possible to be involved in Abaana’s fundraising events.

–  Supporting the Abaana New Life Choir: Assisting in the preparations for the next potential New Life Choir tour.

–  Supporting the teams: Promoting and assisting with the preparation of teams to Uganda, with the option of  travelling to Uganda with a team during the summer.

–   Other areas: At Management’s discretion.

Each intern’s post covers 35 hours per week which may include some evenings and weekends. During the post Abaana will aim to develop the skills of each intern (see below).

Who are we looking for?

The ideal candidate will have:

•                 Ability to work on own initiative and have flexibility with regards to the role.

•                 Ability to work as an enthusiastic team member and gain the confidence of colleagues, donors and the public.

•                 Willingness to network with students across schools and Universities.

•                 Education: A–levels or equivalent.

•                 Good oral and written communication skills.

•                 Excellent organisational skills.

•                 Hold a current driving license and have access to a car.

•                 A personal Christian faith and be able to support the ethos and aims of Abaana.

The successful interns will receive a bursary to the value of £550 each per month and will have their normal workplace expenses covered. In addition, Abaana will also make a contribution of £700 towards your Uganda team costs.

Please email Fiona at or phone 02891 451918 for an application form.


A key component for Abaana of the Intern Scheme, is that interns have the opportunity to develop key work skills which will assist them in their future careers.

Key areas to develop

Interns will work through a Skills Passport, showing their progress in key learning areas, recording both the skills they have learnt, and the amount of time spent on the key activities.

Some of the key skills and experience they will acquire:

·        General office skills and experience

o   Handling money – Good practice in record keeping and accountability. Will gain experience in handling, processing and banking income.

o   Working with databases – Will learn the basics about databases and the importance of connecting with donors (or customers) – Will learn the importance of accurate data input, and gain experience in using databases.

·        Development of communications skills

o   Will learn about how to deal with donors and service providers on the phone or in person.

o   Networking with people – will gain experience in using networks to develop /secure opportunities.

o   Will learn about marketing through different media and have opportunities to run some media campaigns.

o   Will receive training in public speaking, from preparation to delivery, with the aim of gaining at least 20 hours of practical experience.

o   Will be mentored in the office environment, and develop skills of communication with other staff.

·        Leadership skills

o   Will be coached on how to lead volunteers and have first–hand experience in leading teams of volunteers.

o   May have potential to be part of the leadership of a team to Uganda.

·        Shop

o   Involvement in the day to day running of Abaana’s Charity Shop; organising and securing additional volunteers; arranging collections and deliveries of donated goods; advertising; recycling goods.

·        Develop advanced IT skills in a wide range of products

o   Use of Excel from basic to advanced skills, including uses of filters, advanced formulas, pivot tables etc.

o   Use of advanced Word applications, including mail merge.

o   Full use of PowerPoint – All interns will learn to design and create full multimedia presentations, using transitions, animations and embedding video or other multimedia, as required.

o   Use of Outlook – managing tasks and calendar.

o   Use of Adobe products (creative)

·        Creative planning

o   Will gain opportunities to plan and implement their own ideas.

Please note that applications will remain open until the positions have been filled.

Closing Date

Tuesday / 31 December 2024

Contact Details

78 High Street
BT20 5AZ
United Kingdom