Athletics NI (ANI) is responsible for developing and promoting the sport of athletics in Northern Ireland, in
partnership with UK Athletics and the other home country associations. Athletics NI oversees the delivery of
events, coaching and education programmes, performance pathways, anti-doping and integrity policies, and
membership and affiliation services.
ANI is seeking to appoint a Treasurer to join its board of directors, which consists of eight elected members and
four independent members. The board is accountable to ANI’s members and stakeholders, and provides strategic
direction, governance oversight, and financial and risk management for the organisation.
The Treasurer board member will bring expertise, experience and diversity to the board, and will contribute to the achievement of the ANI's vision, mission and values. The Treasurer will also act as an ambassador for the sport and the organisation
as required.
ANI adheres to the Code for Sports Governance and expects its board members to uphold the highest
standards of governance and conduct.
The Treasurer Board member will be a Board member of Athletics Northern Ireland (ANI) and of the Mary Peters Track (MPT) companies.
The Treasurer Board Member will:
- Provide robust challenge and fresh perspective to the board on all matters of strategy, policy, performance, accountability, resources, risk and governance.
- Support the chair on governance issues, including the annual review of board effectiveness.
- Participate in any board induction, training and evaluation identified as an individual board member and as part of the board or committee.
- Promote the board's commitment to board diversity, renewal and succession planning, in line with the governing document and organisational diversity goals.
- Act between full meetings of the board in authorising action to be taken intra vires, e.g. directly engaging with stakeholders as required
How to Apply
To apply for a role, please send a CV and a covering letter outlining your motivation and suitability for the role, and how you meet the criteria for the post, to the ANI Chairperson - Phillip.Snoddy@athleticsni.org by Friday 28th March at 12 noon. Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview with a panel of board members and external advisers. The appointment will be subject to satisfactory references and eligibility checks.
Closing Date
Friday / 28 March 2025
Contact Details
Old Coach Road
United Kingdom