Job | Part Time

Health and Wellbeing Caseworker (Part Time 3 days)

The Ely Centre

Information, Advice & Advocacy
£32,115 (pro rata)
The Health & Wellbeing Caseworker will directly support individual Victims and Survivors and their families in a pro-active and innovative way to facilitate targeted engagement with services and activities within the statutory, community and voluntary sector in keeping with their needs. This will include close liaison with the VSS - PULSE project partnership in order to provide a holistic package of support to victims and survivors of the troubles/conflict.

Co-ordination and Delivery of Health and Wellbeing Services

  • Proactively and innovatively engage with vulnerable and marginalised individuals.
  • Keep up to date with relevant statutory, private and voluntary sector services available to victims and survivors and their families and work to ensure pathways are seamless, responsive and mitigate against duplication of services.
  • Identify any barriers to victims and survivors accessing the care and support they need and work with the individual and relevant agencies to remove or mitigate any adverse effect such barriers may pose.
  • The first point of contact for stakeholder enquiries, liaising with other agencies in a professional manner, ensuring that complex and sensitive information is communicated with empathy and reassurance and within the boundaries of Data Protection legislation.
  • Advocate on behalf of and if necessary, accompany individuals to services/appointments/activities where low confidence, low motivation and diminished trust may have left them isolated and marginalised.
  • Facilitate the process for victims and survivors to access personalised support e.g. one to one literacy tutoring or a physical activity of choice.
  • Introduce victims and survivors and their families to shared spaces and services.

Business Improvement and Quality Management

  • Ensure adequate and appropriate record keeping and that relevant databases are updated on a regular basis.
  • Record, monitor and evaluate client progress according to measurable goals described in their individual support plan.
  • Ensure that all support plans, records and associated processes are maintained to the standard required for auditing and monitoring and evaluation by VSS.
  • Manage the security/processing of sensitive and confidential client information in keeping with the requirements of the Data Protection Act.
  • Report any risks, issues and/or concerns to (employing organisation).
  • Actively encourage participation of victims and survivors and their families in reviewing and modernising current services and in service development.
  • Promote a culture of continuous service improvement through the appropriate sharing of constructive feedback and work with relevant statutory, private and voluntary sector organisations to implement improvements.

Personal Development, Performance and Professionalism

  • Ensure the ongoing confidence of the public by maintaining high standards of personal accountability and ethical practice.
  • Facilitate liaison with professional and senior management within stakeholder organisations.


Closing Date

Tuesday / 03 December 2024

Contact Details

Completed applications can be submitted as follows before the deadline by

  • Posted or hand delivered to Unit 2/3 Geddis Square, Markethill, Co Armagh


  • Emailed to

2 Geddis Square, Fairgreen Road, Markethill
BT60 1PW
United Kingdom


EC - Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form_0.docx EC - Health and Wellbeing Caseworker PT 3 Candidate Information Booklet_0.docx EC - Health and Wellbeing Caseworker PT 3 Application Form_0.docx


A project supported by PEACEPLUS, a programme managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB)
Northern Ireland Executive
Government of Ireland