Job | Part Time

Finance and Office Administrator (Part- time 20 Hours)(Re-advertisement)

The Junction

NJC Scale 5-Scale 6 (Pt 12-22) ) £26,421-£31,364 per annum, pro rata (20hrs per week)
This is an opportunity for an organised, pro-active individual with key skills in financial administration, office administration with and project support and basic digital communications experience to step into a vital role at The Junction; supporting the delivery of peace-building programmes by a small team of Associate Facilitators and the CEO. Closing Date: Thursday 5th September 2024 at 5pm.   Interviews: Thursday 12th September 2024 (Interviews will be held person in Derry Londonderry).   

About The Junction:

The Junction is a regional peace-building initiative, promoting a deep integrative and everyday peace in Northern Ireland through community education, dialogue, cultural encounter programmes and policy development. Our ambition is to empower and challenge individuals and communities to connect and build foundational relationships for an inclusive, equal and just peace.



JOB TITLE:                      Finance and Office Administrator (20 Hours), (Ideally 9am-2pm Monday to Thursday)

 Location:                         8-12 Bishop Street, Derry/Londonderry BT48 6PW. Office based, with opportunity for up to 25% hybrid working from home

SALARY:                          NJC Scale 5-Scale 6 (Pt 12-22) ) £26,421-£31,364 per annum, pro rata (20hrs per week)

PENSION SCHEME:        Pension Scheme with 3% Employer Contribution

HOLIDAY LEAVE:            25 days pro rate and Public/Bank Holidays

RESPONSIBLE TO:         Chief Executive Officer

POST FUNDED BY:         This post is core funded through the Community Relations Council, and Department for Foreign Affairs. Funding is secured up to 31st March 2026. The position is permanent - funding dependant.

RESPONSIBLE FOR    Financial Administration: carrying out financial tasks, and ensuring proper records are kept of daily operations of the organisation, supporting good governance; Office /Programme Support: providing office administration for projects undertaken by the CEO and a small remote team; Digital Communications: supporting and promoting our work via our network, facilitator team and wider public using various digital and social media platforms.

Financial Administration Duties

  1. Maintain (digital) Income and Expenditure Ledger and produce Income & Expenditure Reports (restricted /unrestricted) as required for the Board (bi-monthly)
  2. Undertake Bank Reconciliations (monthly)
  3. Undertake all organisational financial transactions - in accordance with Financial Procedures e.g. Salaries, HMRC, Pensions, Employers and Employees NIC calculations
  4. Check invoices for accuracy, signatures in advance and complete BACS requisition forms of invoice payments
  5. Prepare necessary paperwork for CEO for verification of spend
  6. Inform Directors when payments are ready for authorising
  7. Update Project Budget Records (monthly/bi-monthly/quarterly)
  8. Produce spreadsheets pertaining to the annual organisational operation (e.g. indicating, Salaries, HMRC, Pensions, Employers and Employees NIC calculations etc) and liaising with Finance Managers across our delivery partners
  9. Maintain purchasing and payment of goods and services
  10. Complete financial drawdown details with relevant funding bodies (in accordance with funder’s guidelines)
  11. Support Fundraising, in particular assist in completion of Funder’s Financial and Monitoring Return forms
  12. Preparation for and execution of all audits and verification visits as required by funders.
  13. Undertake correspondence with Accountants regarding annual reporting (Yearly Accounts)
  14. Updating and maintaining financial filing systems on computer and ensuring Backup is in undertaken (regularly)

Governance Duties

  1. Undertake correspondence and updates required by Company House and Charitable Commission NI (in accordance with legislation) i.e. file accounts, company tax return (annually, and as and when required)
  2. Comply with organisational policies and procedures and support the CEO in enabling good governance practices e.g. preparation and circulation of papers in advance for Board of Directors, notice of AGM, digital diary of Board Meetings etc

Administrative Duties (supporting Programme delivery)

  1. Receive and deal with incoming calls/emails /written correspondence - as the first point of contact
  2. Collate Programming Activity (maintain record) to support Monitoring and Reporting
  3. Maintain Participant Databases (in accordance with GDPR and funding guidelines)
  4. Assist with Event organisation – booking venues, issuing invitations, managing registration via digital Events platforms (Eventbrite/TicketTailor), and welcoming participants etc

As a registered Publishing House

  1. Support Publishing - keep an Inventory of all Publications, acquisition of ISBN numbers (once a year), support distribution

Communications Support Duties

  1. Circulate Information or Publicity - with Public, Participants and Delivery/Associate Teams (email, digital newsletters, social media platforms, website)
  2. Support effective IT systems – by taking responsibility for and/or working with dedicated IT support


Personal Attributes, Qualifications and Abilities

They will have excellent financial management skills, communication skills and office/project support skills. S/he will be a pro-active and organised individual, who pays attentive to detail and is willing to use own initiative.


Essential Experience

  1. A third level qualification in a relevant discipline OR three years’ experience of working in finance and administration.
  2. Proven experience of implementing efficient organisational processes.

Essential Skills and Abilities

  1. Experience of PAYE, HMRC, pensions, NIC calculations
  2. Experience of bookkeeping/invoicing/administering BACS payments and ensuring confidentiality of information.
  3. Experience of producing financial reports
  4. Experience of updating budgets and preparing annual and project budgets
  5. Proficiency in the use of MS Suite or Google equivalent and Shared Drives
  6. Experience in using digital communication channels and/or digital Events Platforms
  7. A pro-active and organised individual – able to organise own workload, complete and manage the combination of tasks in timely manner
  8. Ability to work on your own initiative
  9. Ability to support others, in particular, the Chief Executive and small Associate team
  10. A flexible approach to work and willingness to work occasional unsociable hours as the job requires.

Desirable Skills and Abilities

  1. Experience in developing working relationships with Associates/Funders/Suppliers
  2. Experience of organising Events e.g. Workshops, Information Sessions/Meetings
  3. Experience in creating digital content for publicity purposes
  4. Experience in maintaining a Website (Wordpress)
  5. Knowledge of IT systems management
  6. An understanding of, and commitment to, the work of the Junction.

Closing Date

Thursday / 05 September 2024

Contact Details

Ruth Gonsalves Moore,

CEO, The Junction



8-12 Bishop Street
Derry Londonderry
BT48 6PW
United Kingdom


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This post is core funded through the Community Relations Council NI, and the Department for Foreign Affairs, Ireland. Funding is secured up to 31st March 2026. The position is permanent on basis funding is secured.