Job | Flexible

Event Coordinator

Glenside Farm Comber CIC

£15 an hour
Glenside Farm Comber CIC is seeking an event coordinator to join the team. This is a very flexible role, with the potential for more hours.

Glenside Farm Comber CIC is dedicated to fostering community engagement with the rural environment, facilitating farming activities, and nurturing skills development through outdoor experiences. Our overarching goal is to promote health and well-being among individuals by fostering connections with farming, nature and community. We are committed to address social inequalities by offering opportunities to disadvantaged community members and those at risk of social isolation and exclusion.

To date we have had groups visit the farm from the asylum, refugee and migrant community, the adoption and fostering community, church groups, individuals and groups from the learning disability community.

In the role as event coordinator you will be responsible for overseeing groups visiting/events on the farm from setting up to ensuring that the session runs smoothly and efficiently. You will have the opportunity to use your skills to support and shape events whether planning or delivering activities. You will work closely with the Development Manager in exploring other opportunities to increase the number and range of opportunities on the site.


Closing Date

Friday / 16 August 2024

Contact Details

Malini Colville

124 Glen Road
BT23 5QT
United Kingdom

More Information

To apply please contact for a job description.