Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke (NICHS) currently needs approximately £3M income per annum to operate, primarily its care and prevention services and to fund local research programmes.
The Income Generation department secures income from a number of sources, currently grouped together as outlined below (all include in-memory and digital):
- Legacies
- Corporate (includes Trusts & Foundations, Corporate partnerships, sponsorship, Major Donors and GAYE)
- Individual Giving (includes Regular giving, donations, appeals and Gift Aid)
- Community (includes Community groups, clubs and individual supporters, Events, DILOF, Tribute Funds, and DILOG)
As Community Fundraising Manager you will lead the Community Fundraising team in generating income primarily from Community income sources, excluding leading on Events, but also supporting all other income sources and working as part of the fundraising management team in helping to develop and enhance departmental programmes and targets with a one team approach.
You will be responsible for supporting the DOIG in developing an innovative Community Fundraising and Engagement Strategy aligned to the overarching Income Generation strategy and will develop and deliver a community engagement plan to pro-actively seek out new opportunities, develop and introduce innovative new initiatives and campaigns to ensure the continued growth of community support across the income sources you manage.
You will lead the team in building valuable and long-term relationships with supporters across NI, including - groups, clubs, local businesses, individuals, volunteers, and regional media. Much of our support is as a result of the loss of a loved one to a related illness so this role will play an active part in supporting and helping shape an in-memory programme to ensure In memory supporters are sensitively and professionally relationship managed.
You will lead in the development and delivery of supporting annual operational plans and budgets, setting clear performance measures, SMART objectives and costed ROIs for each source, and set clear workplans with individual team targets and KPIs to ensure the success of the Income Generation strategy.
You will manage, and develop a high performing, pro-active and innovative community fundraising team, and oversee the management, engagement and growth of a community ambassador network to support fundraising activity across NI, and work in collaboration with the wider team on shared projects and initiatives, ensuring the community team is committed to the values of the organisation.
Strategic Management
- Support the DOIG in the development of innovative and sustainable community fundraising and engagement strategies aligned to the overarching Income Generation strategy, to maximise income from a broad range of community sources, whilst helping to raise both the awareness and profile of NICHS across NI.
- Lead in the development and delivery of the supporting annual community plans, setting income targets with clearly defined financial and non-financial performance measures for the team, including reactive and proactive objectives, as well as the development of contingency plans as appropriate throughout the year to ensure all annual targets are achieved.
- As part of the Income Generation Management team, you will play an active role in helping to develop shared initiatives and projects to continuously enhance the teams’ performance and to maximise income and long-term supporter engagement and loyalty.
- Develop and lead in the delivery of an engagement and stewardship programme to grow and strengthen the community ambassador network to increase regional capacity
- Ensure all related fundraising policies, risk assessments and review documents, including processes and procedures are in place, up to date and community team adhering too at all times
Operational & Delivery
- Manage and develop a pro-active community fundraising team, setting clear target driven workplans with SMART objectives and KPIs, leading by example to ensure successful delivery of all set objectives and targets.
- Work closely with the IG and Comms teams to develop, market, and implement a range of new innovative activities and initiatives to maximise community income, ensuring cost effective methods & good ROIs.
- Regularly monitor, evaluate and report to the DOIG on all community related income streams, including ROI and baseline and growth reviews.
- Ensure effective, efficient use of the fundraising CRM by the Community team, accurately recording and managing activity and pro-actively relationship manage stakeholders, ensuring ongoing training and development to maximise the full use of the CRM and ensure GDPR compliance.
- Work collaboratively across the wider income generation department to ensure overall targets are met, helping to promote and sell across all relevant income streams including - Corporates, Gift Aid, Events and regular giving and legacies.
- Ensure the Community team is fully equipped with all information, collateral and training to successfully deliver their role and targets
- Work across the NICHS wide team as and when required to ensure key messages, costed services and service information to support pitches, propositions, donor update reports and shared projects
Engagement and Marketing
- Work closely with the Community and Comms teams to develop creative and inspiring fundraising products and materials to maximise income potential from community sources
- Work closely with the Communications team to effectively utilise all engagement channels and platforms to maximise all audiences, and develop links with local and regional media to support fundraising needs and maximise promotion and acknowledgement of community supporters across NI
Other Duties
- Keep abreast of changes within the sector and adapt to keep the community fundraising programme relevant, engaging and prioritised based on maximising income at all times
- Pro-actively network, engage and build relationships across all relevant platforms and target audiences to develop and grow new opportunities and contacts
- Any other duties as required in line with the skills, knowledge and experience of the role.
Closing Date
Contact Details
Caoimhe Devlin
Head of HR
21 Dublin Road
United Kingdom