Job | Full Time

Community & Events Fundraising Manager

NI Chest Heart & Stroke

£42, 708
As Community & Events Fundraising Manager you will be responsible for supporting the DOIG in developing an innovative Community and Events Fundraising Strategy aligned to the overarching Income Generation strategy.

Northern Ireland Chest, Heart and Stroke (NICHS) currently needs approximately £3M income per annum to operate, primarily to support its care and prevention services and to fund local research programmes.

You will manage, and develop a high performing, pro-active and innovative community and events fundraising team, and oversee the management, engagement and growth of a community ambassador network to support fundraising activity across NI, and work in collaboration with the wider team on shared projects and initiatives, ensuring the community team is committed to the values of the organisation.


As Fundraising Manager – Community and Events you will lead the Community and Events Fundraising team.  This will include two Community Fundraisers and one Events Fundraising Co-ordinator and one Fundraising Support Officer.

The Income Generation department secures income from a number of sources, currently grouped together as outlined below (all include in-memory and digital):

  • Legacies
  • Corporate (includes Trusts & Foundations, Corporate partnerships, sponsorship and GAYE)
  • Individual Giving (includes Regular giving, donations, appeals and Gift Aid)
  • Community and Events (includes Community groups, clubs and individual supporters, DILOF, Tribute Funds, and DILOG)

You will be responsible for supporting the DOIG in developing an innovative Community and Events Fundraising Strategy aligned to the overarching Income Generation strategy and will develop and deliver an engagement plan to pro-actively seek out new opportunities, develop and introduce innovative new initiatives and campaigns to ensure the continued growth of community and events support across the income sources you manage.

You will lead the team in building valuable and long-term relationships with supporters across NI, including - groups, clubs, local businesses, individuals, volunteers, and regional media.

You will lead in the development and delivery of annual operational plans and budgets, setting clear performance measures, SMART objectives and costed ROIs for each source, and set clear workplans with individual team targets and KPIs to ensure the success of the Income Generation strategy.

Closing Date

Wednesday / 26 March 2025

Contact Details

Caoimhe Devlin 

Head of HR & Volunteering 


21 Dublin Road
United Kingdom


Comm FR Manager2025Applicant Pack.pdf CEFM Mar 25 Application Form.docx July 2021 Monitoring Form.docx