Athletics NI (ANI) is responsible for developing and promoting the sport of athletics in Northern Ireland, in partnership with UK Athletics, Athletics Ireland and the other home country associations. Athletics NI oversees the delivery of events, coaching and education programmes, performance pathways, anti-doping and integrity policies, and membership and affiliation services.
ANI is seeking to appoint a Chair to lead its board of directors, which consists of eight elected members and four independent members. The Chair will be appointed for an initial term off our years, renewable for a further term of four years, subject to performance and board approval.
The Chair ensures the board has a clear vision, strategy and culture, and holds the chief executive and senior management team accountable for delivering the organisation's objectives. The Chair also represents Athletics NI at various functions, meetings and media events, and liaises with key stakeholders and partners, including Sport NI, UK Athletics, Athletics Ireland and Mary Peters Track Ltd.
An effective chair will provide leadership to the board, enabling them to fulfil their responsibilities for the overall governance and strategic direction of the organisation. The chair will play an integral role in ensuring that appropriate decisions are correctly made, including developing the organisation’s aims, objectives and goals in accordance with the governing document and legal and regulatory guidelines.
The chair will work in partnership with the chief executive to ensure that board decisions a reacted upon and the organisation is managed effectively. They will understand the difference between the role the board plays in governance, developing and agreeing the strategic direction of the organisation and that of the chief executive and senior management team in applying that strategy to the day- to-day operations.
Main Duties & Responsibilities
- Lead the board in developing and reviewing the strategic direction, priorities and performance of the organisation.
- Support and appraise the chief executive and act as a critical friend.
- Facilitate effective board meetings, ensuring adequate scrutiny, challenge and decision-making.
- Manage conflicts of interest and loyalty, and uphold the values and principles of the organisation.
- Promote board diversity, renewal and succession planning, and evaluate board performance.
- Authorise action between board meetings within the scope of the governing document and legal requirements.
- Engage with the Sports Governance Academy to keep up with current trends in sports governance.
How to Apply
To apply for the role, please send a CV and a covering letter outlining your motivation and suitability for the role, and how you meet the person specification, to
Athletics NI CEO, ceo@athleticsni.org
by Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 12 noon.
Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview with a panel of board members and external advisers.
The appointment will be subject to satisfactory references and eligibility checks.
Closing Date
Wednesday / 25 September 2024
Contact Details
Athletics NI CEO, ceo@athleticsni.org
by Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 12 noon.
Athletics House
Old Coach Road,
United Kingdom