Since it was established 27 years ago, ASCERT has been a leading provider of services across Northern Ireland to support young people, adults, families and communities with challenges from alcohol and substance use as well as other issues such as mental health and suicide prevention.
As a trustee of the charity, you will bring your experience and skills to our Board and the ASCERT team, supporting us to deliver our charitable objectives and ensuring the organisation is well governed.
In this information pack, you will find some background information about ASCERT which should help you get a better picture of who we are and what we do.
We particularly welcome applications from individuals with experience in one or more of the following areas:
- Lived experience of substance use or mental health issues
- Finance or accountancy
- Human Resources
- Business Development or Fundraising
- Digital Transformation
- Legal Services
Please email completed application and monitoring form to nualaa@ascert.biz
Closing Date
Contact Details
23 Bridge Street
BT28 1XZ
United Kingdom