Job | Part Time

Accounts Technician Part Time

Angel Eyes NI

Finance & Accountancy
Hourly Rate: £17.03/hr (£31,000 pa FTE)
We are seeking an experienced Accounts Technician to join our charity based in Belfast. This part-time role, over 3 days (12 hours per week) involves managing various financial tasks and overseeing the finances of our trading subsidiary.

This role will involve working closely with the CEO and Administrator and will include payroll, management accounts, VAT and managing the accounts of our Social Enterprise.

This is a 12 hour per week role over 3 days (either mornings or afternoons).  2 days will be in our office in Belfast and 1 day home working if desired.

The interview date for successful applicants is 11th September 2024.  

Proposed start date for role 1st November 2024.

Closing Date

Wednesday / 04 September 2024

Contact Details

Danielle McMullan 


Innovation Factory
385 Springfield Road
United Kingdom


Accounts Technician AUG24.pdf