Workplace Support Drop-In Session

The Action on Hearing Loss Employment Support Officers are holding a drop-in session on Friday 2nd August in our Belfast Office: Action on Hearing Loss, Harvester House, 4-8 Adelaide Street, Belfast BT2 8GA. 10am – 3pm.
Action on Hearing Loss focus on supporting people who are Deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus and who are currently working 10 or more hours per week, as well as their employers.
Are you experiencing issues in work?
We can provide:
1:1 Support - specially tailored to clients’ needs which can include Confidence Building sessions and emotional support.
Training – on the job and/or outside of work training (eg. personal development and training leading to promotional opportunities)
Advice and Assistance - with making reasonable adjustments in the workplace
Communication Tactics Training
If you'd like more information you can contact the Action on Hearing Loss Workable team on 02890239619 or, or simply drop in on Friday 2nd August.
- Disability
Date and Time
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Harvester House, 4-8 Adelaide Street
United Kingdom
Contact Details
Andrea Quinn
Senior Employment Support Officer
Telephone: 02890239619/07436838164 (SMS)