Online / Virtual
Wiseradviser - Mental Health: Good Practice for Debt Advisers

Advice NI
This is a free event
The Live Online course will help you to recognise when a client has mental health problems and give you an understanding of special factors impacting money advice casework when a client has mental health problems.
This course is aimed at advisers who have completed the Introduction to Providing Debt Advice course, or equivalent training, and put this into practice. You should be actively involved in negotiating with creditors and clients.
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Identify the correct definition of a mental health problem and at least one:
- Statistic that illustrates the link between debt and mental health
- Reason why certain groups in society are affected more than others
- Correctly identify the definition of neurotic and psychotic, two related conditions and at least two causes, triggers, symptoms or effects or medication
- Tips to apply when interviewing a client who discloses a mental health problem
- Reasons that bills, forms and advice agencies can be challenging to clients who are depressed
- Identify a statement that describes the purpose of the debt and mental health evidence form and at least two key pieces of information the form provides
- Identify seven key principles relating to debt advisers that appear in the MALG guidelines
- From a selection of three scenarios identify which cases appear to have potential defences and correctly identify from a list an appropriate referral agency for the client in each scenario
This course is worth 6 CPD Points under NIAQS (Northern Ireland Advice Quality Standard.
- Advice services