Wellness recovery Action Plan (WRAP) 7th & 8th September 2021 @ Belfast Recovery College

Belfast Recovery College
This is a 2 day course delivered in person at The Belfast Recovery College, strict social distancing measures will be in place and face masks must be worn at all times.
Please complete the attached enrolment form and send in to us to register.
WRAP is a self-management tool, designed to support people to understand and manage their mental health. WRAP can be used to help support people dealing with challenging situations. This course will assist you to identify what wellness tools work best for you and help you establish your own personalised Wellness Recovery Action Plan.
- Advice services
- Education/training
- Health and wellbeing
Date and Time
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Belfast Recovery College, Ground Floor, Lanyon building, 10 North Derby Street
BT15 3HL
United Kingdom
More Information
Please complete the attached enrolment and equality and diversity forms and email in to enrol