Online / Virtual Seminar Training/Advice

We Are Family: Fostering Siblings


Barnardo's NI

Barnardo's Fostering Northern Ireland
In this virtual discussion we will be talking to foster carers who foster siblings together.

On the 10th April we celebrate National Siblings Day but not all siblings get to stay together when they are in care. There are often practical reasons for this, as it can be challenging to find foster carers who can take more than one child at a time, but being separated from brothers and sisters can be another layer of loss and destabilisation for children.

In this discussion we will be talking to Barnardo's foster carers who foster siblings and we'll explore the importance of understanding family dynamics and why keeping family groups together, where it's appropriate, can be a vital key in healing and growth and for feelings of safety and identity.

If you'd like to know more about fostering siblings or fostering with Barnardo's generally, join the conversation.

Please note, we may record the audio discussion between the guest speakers. The discussion will be followed by a Q&A.

  • Carers
  • Children and families
  • Men
  • Women
  • Young people
  • foster
  • Fostering
  • fostercare
  • foster_families
  • Barnardo's
  • parenting ni
  • siblings fostercare

Date and Time

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