Online / Virtual

VOLT Session: Service Opportunities for Young People - Are They The Answer To Recovery & Renewal?

Volunteer Now Enterprises Ltd

Volunteer Now Enterprises Ltd

This is a free event
VOLT Session
Volunteer Organisations Linking Together (VOLT) are free sessions for those who want to focus on a volunteering issue with other like-minded individuals.

A report for Government called “Levelling up our Communities: proposals for a new social covenant* (Danny Kruger MP September 2020) has suggested that young people could have a leading role in the recovery of our society.

Given that there is likely to be huge unemployment, the report suggests that young people need a structured programme whereby they can serve their local area in meaningful roles that build their skills and sense of public duty.  Potentially providing payment for the young people to carry out the work, projects could be organised by civil society working with local authorities and businesses.

Are these projects a risk to volunteering?  How do they sit with other existing schemes such as #iwill, Step up to Serve or National Citizens Service?  What are the benefits and what are the challenges if this is introduced in Northern Ireland?

We will be joined by Mohsen Gul who will share his thoughts and experience.  Mohsen is a policy entrepreneur who works at the intersection of youth engagement, policy and governance systems in Pakistan and the Asia Pacific region.  He has diverse policy and practice experience and is currently providing research support to UN Volunteers HQ in Germany on research evidence for the Volunteerism Agenda for 2020-2030.  He is currently involved in critically analysing how youth volunteering can be mainstreamed in multi-level sustainable governance processes in Pakistan.

Join us to discuss and find out more.

  • Community development
  • Volunteer development
  • Young people

Date and Time

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