Pretty n Pink Breast Cancer Charity

These are very difficult times for us all and our love and thoughts go out to everyone.
Like many other industries, the charity sector has been badly hit by the impact of COVID-19, and we currently have no income.
This leads us into frightening territory and we urgently need to raise much needed funds.
As the only registered Breast Cancer Charity in Northern Ireland Pretty ‘n’ Pink has been so fortunate and grateful to have been blessed by a wonderful team of loyal, generous supporters who have gone the extra mile and helped us provide support to men and women with breast cancer.
Thanks to our supporters we were able to open the first ever Pretty ‘n’ Pink Information & Support Hub in February, and expand our patient support services.
Due to the current situation with COVID-19 we recently took the decision to temporarily suspend Support Services (Counselling & Support and Complementary Therapies) and temporarily close the Hub. This is to protect patients who may have a compromised immune system at this time, as well as to protect supporters, staff, and volunteers.
Our charity shop is also temporarily closed, and many upcoming planned fundraisers have had to be postponed.
Unfortunately, during this pandemic people will continue to be diagnosed and affected by breast cancer physically, mentally and emotionally.
It is therefore imperative that we are able to provide our much-needed services to support local people affected by breast cancer. But in order to do so we need to raise some much-needed funds.
Therefore, we are hosting a VIRTUAL PINK COFFEE MORNING, every Monday from now until we can safely re-open, and we are inviting our supporters to attend – VIRTUALLY from the comfort of your own home!
You may be asking, how can we attend a VIRTUAL COFFEE MORNING. It’s simple really:
- Make a small donation (minimum £2) at the Just Giving link below, just as you would if you were attending a coffee morning in person.
- Then have a cup of coffee and a bun in your own home.
- Let us and your friends know that you are attending by uploading a photo to your social media of you virtually attending from your own home. Use our Facebook photo frame, tag us, use our hashtag #virtualpinkcoffeemorning
We also want to show support and solidarity to all the women, men and families who are affected by breast cancer at this time. We want to send our love and thoughts to them. Pretty ‘n’ Pink is still, and always will be here to support you. Let’s raise a cuppa to them!
If you like, you can also organise your own VIRTUAL PINK COFFEE MORNING or VIRTUAL PINK FUNDRAISER of your choice - think Virtual Prosecco & Pizza, Virtual Cocktail Making Challenge, run your own Virtual Marathon all from your own home. Then invite your friends to attend VIRTUALLY using online means such as the HOUSE PARTY APP, SKYPE, FACETIME etc. These are difficult times with many of us feeling isolated, and it may be good to stay in touch, albeit virtually.
Please also remember that breast cancer and breast care awareness should not end because we are isolated, please remember to check yourselves regularly.
Just Giving -
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