Universal Credit: Digital Coaching

Advice NI
This course covers all aspects of digital support from online safety to coaching clients digitally. It will fully equip advisers with the knowledge, skills and best practice in this area, via a practical, hands-on digital experience. This course fully meets the Universal Credit digital support training element of the Department for Communities (DfC) training requirement for Advisers.
It is recommended for Advisers (including volunteers) and other colleagues wanting to develop their knowledge of Universal Credit and enable better digital support for clients. We strongly recommend that this course is completed in conjunction with the ‘Accredited Guide to Universal Credit’ to cover all DfC Universal Credit training requirements and/or to develop a full knowledge and understanding of Universal Credit from entitlement to challenging decisions.
- Advice services
Date and Time
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1 Rushfield Avenue
Ormeau Avenue
United Kingdom
Contact Details
For more information on this and other courses that Advice NI offer, please visit our website www.adviceni.net/training