
Universal Credit - A Complete Guide

Next date: Wednesday 14 August 2024 10:00am
Advice NI

Advice NI

Cost: Advice NI Members - £100 Community/Voluntary Rate - £120 Private - £145
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This full day intensive course will build on existing or recently trained Advisers' knowledge and understanding of Universal Credit at a higher level or serve to refresh those who have been working with UC on some of the more complex aspects of the benefit.

It will include a focus on:

  • Implementation, Migration, SDP Payments and Transitional Protection 
  • Understanding Universal Credit Groups (including under 18'S, Students, Non UK Nationals, Self Employed) 
  • Immigration and Asylum Issues 
  • The Basic Conditions of Entitlement to Universal Credit 
  • The Claimant Conditions 
  • Universal Credit Sanctions 
  • Financial Conditions 
  • Housing and Childcare Costs (including an update on up front costs/grants) 
  • Calculations in and out of work 
  • Advanced Calculations for Students and Self Employed/MIF and Partial MIF cases
  • The Benefit Cap 
  • U.C in payment
  • Contingency Funds, Advances and Loans 
  • Debt Repayment 
  • Common Problem Areas and how to navigate them
  • Decisions, Determinations, Revisions 
  • How to find UC regulations and guidance and what to do with them
  • Challenging Decisions process 

It will also include an updated 100 page guidebook in PDF form which we feel gives all you need in one volume to understand Universal Credit as an Adviser, this guide is fully updated for the 23/24 financial year. 

Who Should Attend

This course has been designed for advisers and others working in the area of Social Security. It is best suited to those who have already obtained a foundation knowledge of Universal Credit or for experienced legacy benefit advisers seeking a one day crash course in UC. 

Pre-Learning Requirements

No pre-learning requirements




This course is worth 6 CPD points under the Northern Ireland Advice Quality Standard

Professional Framework

This is a CPD course to keep you up to date with the latest Universal Credit changes and refresh your knowledge of challenging areas. It links to The Money & Pension Service ‘Money Guidance Competency Framework’ and to a range of National Occupational Standards for Legal Advisers including:

SFJIB19 - First line welfare rights legal advice

SFJIB20- Provide specialist welfare rights legal advice


Advice NI Members - £100

Community/Voluntary Rate - £120

Private - £145

Registration Information

For our member organisations, please ensure you register with your work email address otherwise you will not receive your discounted member rate

Similarly, for Advice NI staff, please register using your work email address as your registration will not be fully complete otherwise

  • Advice services

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Advice NI Training
Forestview, Purdy’s Lane
United Kingdom

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