
Understanding hoarding and how it impacts housing

Housing Rights

Housing Rights

Cost: Voluntary and Community from £80/£90 Public and Statutory from £110/£165
Improve your understanding of hoarding and the approach required to tackle it. In partnership with Jack Moore, Director of Respect My Stuff Ltd.

In partnership with Housing Rights we are delighted to be joined for this session by Jack Moore, Director of Respect My Stuff Ltd, to deliver this essential course providing knowledge & information about hoarding within Northern Ireland homes.

This course will explore the difference between hoarding, collecting and extreme clutter, and the associated risks. On completing the course you will have a much improved understanding of hoarding and the approach required to tackle it.

Further information on Jack

Jack has over 15 years training and consultancy experience on hoarding and mental illness in the UK and ROI and is a regular speaker at conferences and on local and national media. He has researched world-wide best practice in understanding and tackling hoarding and developed a proven system of dealing with hoarding in a practical and timely manner. More recently he has developed a successful ‘dehoarding’ service with teams in the south of England and in NI. Jack has a housing background with a Degree in Housing. He is a Fellow of the CIH and Director of Respect My Stuff Ltd. (


What we will cover:

  • types of hoarding
  • hoarding due to illness, health or disability
  • benefits of co-working in supporting clients
  • legislation and powers in place to support clients with hoarding

Who should attend:

  • generalist advisers
  • Northern Ireland Housing Executive and housing association staff
  • constituency office staff
  • environmental health departments and local council staff
  • social services
  • solicitors
  • Housing and homelessness

Date and Time

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Holywood Library, High Street
United Kingdom

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