Online / Virtual
Trustee responsibilities under GDPR *FREE webinar*

This is a free event

This 1 hour session for trustees / board members will give you simple and practical guidance on the impact of General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) on your organisation.
The General Data Protection Regulation is the biggest change to data protection law in 20 years. With stronger emphasis on accountability and transparency, and with the matter of fines and charities' reputations on the line, it is essential that GDPR is on the agenda.
Data protection covers everyone about whom you keep personal data. This includes employees, volunteers, service users, members, supporters and donors.
Trustees as well as staff need to be aware of their responsibilities.
This free online session for Trustees will cover:
- GDPR and Data Protection Act 2018
- Principles of Data Protection
- Individual Rights
- Lawful Processing
- Privacy Notices
- Accountability and Policies
- Consent
- Breach Reporting
- GDPR compliance journey
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