
Train the Trainer: Supporting Medication in Social Care Setting (Refresher*)

Next date: Thursday 27 March 2025 10:00am
ARC NI Logo stating the organisation has been around since 199

Association for Real Change NI

Cost: ARC NI Members £125 | Non-Members £199
Image of various medication/pills.
This refresher course provides an opportunity to update knowledge, skills and understanding of policy, legislation and good practice in regard to supporting medication in line with social care principles and values.

Train the Trainer: Supporting Medication in Social Care Setting (Refresher*) (MMR)

*ARC NI recommends that learners who have completed the full two-day Train the Trainer: Supporting Medication in Social Care Settings or Refresher Course should refresh their knowledge every 2 years.

Ongoing education, training and development of staff who will be responsible for safe practice in handling, administering and managing medication is a critical area of work in social care settings. This refresher training provides an opportunity to update knowledge, skills and understanding of policy, legislation and good practice to ensure practical support to staff with a responsibility for supporting medication in line with social care principles and values.

This course will be delivered in line with RQIA standards, specifically the standard relating to the management of medicines which states that ‘The management of medicines is in accordance with legislative requirements, professional standards and DHSSPS guidance’.

By the end of the course learners will:

  • have updated knowledge on current legislation framework for the use of medication in social care settings
  • have explored case studies to reflect on codes of practice in relations to the use of medication is social care settings
  • have had an opportunity for shared learning on effective training practice
  • have had an opportunity to design a refresher half day session for the work place.
  • Disability
  • Education/training

Date and Time

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McSweeney Centre
Henry Place
ARC NI Office
BT15 2AY
United Kingdom

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More Information

All ARC NI member bookings must be made online via the Training Section and Training Portal on the new ARC NI website. Your organisation’s nominated training coordinator will have access to the Training Portal to book training for staff. Please note, we will not accept booking forms from members.

We will continue to accept booking forms from our Health & Social Care Trust members (Belfast, Western, South-Eastern, and Northern). These can be submitted as usual to this email address. We aim to set up online booking for Trust members soon. To request a booking form, please contact me.


All non-member bookings must be made online via the Training Section and Training Portal on the new ARC NI website. You will check out as a guest and be required to make immediate payment.

The link below will show you a step-by-step to booking online.