Time to Build an Inclusive Local Economy in Northern Ireland - Charter Launch

Development Trusts NI

Time to Build an Inclusive Local Economy is a charter that sets out how to build local wealth and address the increasing inequalities in our society. Poverty, low wages and job precariousness are still present in Northern Ireland and DTNI’s charter identifies not only systemic challenges but also opportunities to do things differently.
Collaboratively developed by Development Trusts NI (DTNI) and the Manchester-based Centre for Local Economic Strategies (CLES), Time to Build an Inclusive Local Economy outlines how to create an economy that benefits the many not the few. A series of recommendations are made under four pillars for action - ABCD - which represent the following:
Advance community power
Build local community wealth
Commission and procure for social value
Develop alternative social finance
The charter is the cornerstone of a new DTNI project, Creating Resilient Local Economies, which, over the next 18 months, will raise awareness of the concept of an ‘inclusive economy’, gain a practical understanding from all partnership members’ perspectives of the emerging opportunities and challenges and encourage local initiatives to test the assumptions and consequences of doing so.
The charter launch will include a short Q & A session and will be followed by a light lunch.
- Community development
- Lobbying/policy
Date and Time
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3rd floor Cathedral Quarter Managed Workspace, 109-113 Royal Avenue
United Kingdom
Time to Build an Inclusive Local Economy is supported by Community Foundation for Northern Ireland and Friends Provident Foundation