Tech Tips: Support And Advice On Using Your Phone, Tablet Or Computer

The Crescent

- Would you like some support on using Zoom or Skype for calls? Some tips on using the camera or microphone?
- Would you like some support using Microsoft Word for creating documents?
- How do you know a website is safe? Do you get frustrated trying to book tickets online?
It’s easy to become overwhelmed by all the technology around us. We are surrounded by an array of digital devices and apps. Whether it's smartphones, social media, tablets, online banking, booking a holiday, or laptops. There is no avoiding it.
Technology can make life easier for many people. Learning to harness the power of technology, it can make daily tasks like grocery shopping, paying bills or even booking a course at The Crescent much easier.
If you are looking for some help or advice with any basic elements, why not bring your questions (remembering there’s no such thing as a stupid question), and your devices if it’s easy for you to do so, to The Crescent and join us for our Tech Tips Sessions.
If it’s something that might take a bit longer to solve, or we don’t know the answer, then we’ll work with you to find solutions! Tea, coffee and biscuits provided!
To book your spot, pick the date and time below, or call us on 028 9024 2338, with any questions you might have, and The Crescent’s friendly team will be happy to help.
- Advice services
- Older people
Date and Time
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2-4 University Road
United Kingdom