Conference Online / Virtual Seminar Training/Advice

Talk Money Week 2021 is coming on 8-12 November.

Cost: FREE
Talk Money Week  8-12 November 2021 # Talk Money
The UK Money Guider Network partners are thrilled to be bringing you a free lunchtime conference for front line practitioners delivering money guidance in their roles. The conference is being offered as part of the Money and Pensions Service’s Talk Money Week campaign (#TalkMoney), which is designed to get the nation talking about money, from pocket money to pensions. In May 2021, MaPS launched four Money Guider Networks (#MoneyGuiders) to support practitioners from a range of sectors across the UK. Forums, workshops, and webinars have been running in each of the nations and now there’s a new opportunity to meet and collaborate with each other. Take your pick from either of the 1.5hr conference sessions or come along to both and network with more people. The conference will bring together our four expert Network partners to explore the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on money guidance and its importance for economic recovery. Quaker Social Action (England), Hafal (Wales), Reed in partnership (Northern Ireland) and The Improvement Service (Scotland) will be sharing their insights on how the Money Guider Networks can support those on the front-line delivering money guidance, to take their help further.

Who can join talk Money week? 

Regardless of your job role or sector, when service users reach out to help, problems with money form part of the issue.  The conference is for any type of unregulated money guidance which forms part of your support. Whether you are supporting those in our community across Northern Ireland directly or indirectly, any sector job or role. 

How do I get involved?

  1. Click the link and join our Money Guiders Network Northern Ireland. Completely FREE with no future obligations. You will be kept up to date via social media and a monthly Newsletter sharing information on real time relevant topics with our network conversations. We want to build a strong supportive network providing education, tools such as MoneyHelper latest guidance and supports - easily accessible to you and your organisation.
  2. Engage with the network by booking a personal Pathfinder Clinic's when you need answers to money related questions to support you in your role saving you time and endless information research. 
  3. Share your skills and knowledge with other network users to help create a supportive platform across our community.

Register as a Money Guider, follow the link, completed the short registration form and that's it!  We want to support you so email your money related questions for a free short Pathfinder Clinic to or

Money Guiders NI | Giving great money advice in Northern Ireland

Book your FREE ticket - Register for Money Guiders Conference Tuesday 9th November 11:00 am - 1: pm or Thursday 11th November 11:00 am - 1:00 pm.

  • Advice services
  • Carers
  • Children and families
  • Community development
  • Community relations
  • Disability
  • Education/training
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Lobbying/policy
  • Older people
  • Race/ethnicity
  • Rural development
  • Volunteer development
  • Women
  • Young people
  • Mid Ulster
  • development
  • recruitment
  • foodbank

Date and Time

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