Social Farming in Northern Ireland Conference

Rural Support

Social Farming is an innovative use of agriculture to promote therapy, rehabilitation, social inclusion, education and social services in rural areas. The service offers many benefits to people in need of support by participation in farm activities in a non-clinical environment. Recognition of Social Farming as an innovative service provided by farmers for the benefit of individuals in need of support in their local communities has grown over the past 10 years. The benefits of participating in Social Farming include improved mood, increased motivation and confidence, skill development, increased physical fitness, and social inclusion.
The development of Social Farming in Northern Ireland is led by Rural Support’s Social Farming Support Service and as an identified stakeholder we would like to invite you to attend this important conference which will focus on the development of the service across Northern Ireland.
Please find an agenda for the event attached. If you are not available to attend, we invite you to nominate an alternative delegate from your organisation. Feel free to circulate the details to relevant contacts or networks.
For further details or to register please email: or telephone: 028 8676 0040.
Date and Time
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Rural Support,
76 Dungannon Road,
BT80 9AE
United Kingdom