Online / Virtual
Social care in prisons on the island of Ireland: A discussion on policy and practice

This is a free event
Join us on 15 June for a webinar focusing on policy and practice relating to social care in prisons on the island of Ireland.
This online event will comprise two presentations. In the first presentation 'Ageing in Prisons in Northern Ireland: A policy update of social care provision for older adults in prison in Northern Ireland', Sarah Lawrence will discuss findings from her PhD research in Queen's University Belfast, which focused on ageing in prisons.
The second presentation 'Making the invisible, visible: Social care considerations for female prisoners in Ireland through mental health law, policy, and practice insights' will be given by mental health social workers, Ali Duggan and Aidan Cooney.
Date and Time
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Queen's University Belfast
United Kingdom
More Information
This event will be held on Zoom. Please register using the link below.